Take the next step in your dance career with an MFA in Dance

WHAT: Your chance to do a Dance MFA, the degree that opens doors
WHEN: Apply by Jan 12, 2017, and audition on January 26 in sunny Southern California
WHY? Because you know dance matters, and you want to keep moving ahead
Consider pursuing an MFA degree in the Dance Department of the University of California, Irvine to secure your future in the dance world. You can expand your creativity and your potential for job security while finding fresh choreographic inspiration, presenting your work onstage, and exploring other aspects of dance from a variety of perspectives.
The University of California, Irvine has funding for dynamic MFA candidates with significant dance background and a curiosity to learn more. Support is offered to most MFA in Dance candidates, along with opportunities to work with one of the most talented undergraduate pools of dancers anywhere. Available financial aid for the two-year program comes in the form of fee fellowships, non-resident tuition fellowships, and employment as teaching associates and graduate student researchers.
Recent UC Irvine MFAs have entered diverse job markets, securing college faculty positions or jobs at private studios and conservatories; starting their own dance companies; working with new movement software; deciding to pursue dance Ph.D.s or further health and wellness certificates and degrees; and increasing their opportunities for freelance choreographing with newly strengthened dance “brands” and creative skills.
In their two years of study, MFA students take a variety of classroom and studio courses, with attention to connecting the mind and the body, expanding their dance literacy and their toolbox of skills. In addition to studio techniques, courses include choreography, dance analysis, musical resources, teaching of dance, kinesiology, research methods, dance technology, seminar in dance history, and critical issues in dance. Ideally, you will choose a thesis topic that expands a burning question, something you are passionate about. Your research may include interviews, improvisation, teaching, dance science experiments, choreographic explorations, as well as traditional searches for written history and context for your topic. You may present a thesis concert, lecture-demonstration or video project, or design an experiment related to dancer wellness. Your thesis proposal is developed in the first year, with a written component and a performance option due at the end of the second year.
We seek a diverse, enthusiastic pool of applicants with a substantial background in any kind of dance and a passion to learn. Applications for admission to the MFA in September 2018 are due by January 12, 2017. Applicants should audition for the program in person, although in select cases, a video and skype audition is possible. The audition date is Friday, January 26, 2017.
Here are links to more information on the UCI Dance MFA program:
Download Press Release PDF here
Photo by Rose Eichenbaum